Diagnostic Wax-Ups

Tanaka Digital Lab: Leading the Way in Dental Restorations

Diagnostic Wax-Ups

Tanaka Digital Lab’s Smiles By Design diagnostic wax-ups establish the cornerstone for your ultimate restorations. Each case embodies distinct restorative and cosmetic requirements, mirroring the uniqueness of every patient, much like their individual fingerprint. To attain the pinnacle design for the final dental restoration, we meticulously craft mock-ups of the case, subject them to articulator assessment, and conduct provisional testing.

Just as a construction company relies on an architect’s blueprints, an engineer’s analysis, and a tested scale model to erect a bridge, dental restorations necessitate comprehensive evaluation. Regardless of the case’s complexity, be it cosmetic or restorative, our team customizes each solution to align with your precise specifications. Our objective revolves around creating designs that are both functionally robust and visually captivating, exceeding the ordinary and delivering transformative smile makeovers that resonate with patients for years to come.

Advantages for Practice Growth

At Tanaka Digital Lab, we recognize the profound impact a person’s smile has on various facets of their life. Many patients aspire to enhance their smiles, yet making that emotional decision can be daunting. To instill confidence, we utilize 3-D mock-ups of the final outcomes, empowering patients to envision their envisioned smiles.

For added reassurance, some clients opt for a putty matrix derived from the wax-up, enabling the swift creation of a composite mock-up in the patient’s mouth. This hands-on experience allows patients to “test drive” their smile and assess the potential results, significantly boosting the likelihood of embracing cosmetic treatment.

Our Smiles By Design diagnostic wax-ups prove invaluable for case presentations, acting as templates for provisionals, and offering a preview of the forthcoming restorations. Through our personalized approach and utilization of advanced techniques, we not only enhance your practice but also fulfill your patients’ aspirations for their dream smiles.

Distinctive Attributes

To optimize case presentation and amplify case acceptance, our diagnostic wax-ups are presented on white models specifically crafted for presentation. Upon request, pink tissue wax can be incorporated.

Our diagnostic wax-ups deliver several pivotal benefits to your practice:

Enhanced Patient Education: Serving as potent educational tools, these wax-ups empower patients to visualize potential outcomes, accelerating their decision-making process. Guide for Preparation: Transparent guides or putty matrices can be derived from the wax-ups, facilitating precise preparations. Efficient Provisional Creation: Whether chairside or in the lab, provisionals can be efficiently fashioned from the wax-up, guaranteeing seamless interim restorations.

By embracing our wax-ups, you can avert chairside surprises and foster enhanced communication between you, your patients, and Tanaka Digital Lab. Our Smiles By Design diagnostic wax-ups elevate your practice, enriching patient experiences, and fostering practice expansion.

Our role extends beyond mere fulfillment

Contact Tanaka Digital Lab for your dental restoration needs today!

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